Not Guilty!

Cops lie.



On April 23, 2023 the Fort Worth Police attacked me and beat me for standing on a corner and preventing Nazis from filming people entering a drag show. Hours after my arrest the police in partnership with the elected district attorney spuriously developed a claim that I assaulted them, a claim they did not mention across 24 reports and supplemental reports. The chief integrity officer of the county took a case that spanned 2.5 seconds of my life, to invent the largest of conspiracies: that I am a terrorist, the leader of a criminal street gang, that I paid people to engage in unlicensed security, that cleaning water off my umbrella was a “secret antifa signal”, you name it. She tried to cloud 2.5 seconds with two years of lies and the jury saw through it from the start. 

I took up painting to keep me sane over the past year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t want to mince words here. We watched for days as cops took the stand to lie, consistently contradicting each other and more wildly often misrepresenting and lying about the very things we were all watching together on screen.

We watched as the accusations that Christian-fascists have long levied against me were methodically broken down to the lies they were. Here is an archive of daily trial updates for all four days. Please read, it is impossible to communicate the absurdity to anyone that wasn’t there:



A precious visitor on the first day of trial

After four full days of enormous tension Tarrant County sealed their fate when they marched a wall of cops into the courtroom to stand down the jury while they read my charge. After less than 45 minutes, I heard those beautiful words: Not Guilty. 

I am eternally grateful to my legal team who saw this blatant political persecution for what it was from the start and their ferocious commitment to justice while helping me feel like a person who mattered throughout. I will never forget their righteous anger and commitment to the truth. I am so grateful to my wife and family both blood and chosen, whose unending well of hope and strength pulled me through the darkest days. I am so grateful to the journalist who spent every moment of those long four days in the courtroom alongside my family so my story could be told. And I am so grateful to the Quakers for standing at my side from beginning to end and keeping me level and centered.

I never wanted this to be about me, never wanted the attention or the soapbox, but I’m grateful for all that listened and pleased more than I can articulate to have the next twenty years of my life back. 



The real danger has passed, but the lawsuit against me by New Columbia Movement financed by their billionaire donor is still very real and in that suit I am defending myself. I will be back in civil court on August 13th to defend myself once again and as before, the truth will set me free. Relevant update:

I am beset with an overwhelming amount of expenses to recover from two extra days of trial, investigative prep, and expenses related to fighting the civil suit. If you’re able to help, please send a few bones my way.